Lester Ong's Article in Business

636 Are You a New Immigrant? Know About the Tax Regulations in Australia
If you are new to Australia, it’s essential to know about Australian tax system. So that you can make sure you’re not paying too much or too little tax each year. Not only the language and landscape are different, but also the tax you pay.
Posted on Apr-29-2019

428 Why Do You Need an Experienced Tax Attorney to Help You with Your Tax Affairs
Looking for different ways to minimise the amount of tax your business has to pay is not uncommon, but, you will get into trouble easily.
Posted on Feb-14-2019

441 Reasons Why You Need a Tax Attorney for Filing Bankruptcy
Without an attorney, an individual has the rights to file for bankruptcy and provided if the case is straightforward, representing themselves might save on attorney’s fees.
Posted on Feb-12-2019

436 Why Do You Need a Tax Lawyer?
Do you know businesses that avoid hiring the services of a tax lawyer end up paying for their mistakes in fines and penalties?
Posted on Feb-12-2019

512 Six Tips to Choose a Migration Lawyer for Your Business
The Australian immigration law is highly dynamic and comes with its own set of complexities. Businesses operating in multiple countries and individuals who wish to build their own company in the Australian soil need the help of a migration lawyer in Perth.
Posted on Dec-04-2018

523 When Would You Need a Tax Lawyer in Perth?
Discussing about tax, no one can be too careful or too organised. From developing systems to tracking expenditures, you need more time to calculate the precise values. Right support could reduce stress and increase positive results.
Posted on Nov-23-2018

484 Top Reasons to Hire a Tax Litigation Attorney
Facing a tax controversy with the IRS? Are your feeling that you are at a disadvantage? Hiring a tax litigation attorney in Perth can give you the expertise you need to fight and win your case as well as protect your rights. Here we’ve listed a few reasons to hire a tax attorney to help with your IRS troubles.
Posted on Nov-22-2018

904 What Does a Tax Lawyer Do?
As the name suggests, a tax lawyer is one who specialises in the financial aspects of the running of a company, business or investment. However, he is quite different from an accountant.
Posted on May-03-2018

912 Why Does My Business Need a Commercial Lawyer?
Starting your own business takes a lot of gumption, and it takes hours of planning, and taking a lot of variables into consideration.
Posted on Apr-30-2018

540 Why Hire a Tax Lawyer for Your Business
People never know when they will be faced with a complex tax situation that requires help from an expert.
Posted on Mar-06-2018

560 Reasons to Choose a Professional Tax Lawyer
You can take care of your own taxes. But there are times you would have to face a complex tax condition and don’t want to deal with the ATO alone.
Posted on Dec-11-2017

714 Why Hire a Lawyer in Perth When You Have Tax or Migration Issues?
There are accountants and there are tax lawyers. Both are there to help you with your financial records, with the difference that tax lawyers come into the picture when you are not tackling the numbers but fighting the law.
Posted on Dec-08-2017